Did You Know?
Seaside Holiday Lights...This website is operated & sponsored by the residents of the Seaside neighborhood. It's the one-stop spot to get the most updated info from the residents that put on the holiday light displays. www.seasideholidaylights.com
City of Torrance Seaside Holiday Lights website...Click here for information regarding hours, parking restrictions, vending and more.
Current Crime Trends
If you have any questions about crime trends affecting your neighborhood or have heard of crimes occurring in your neighborhood, email the Community Affairs Division here.
To go to the City of Torrance Crime Map click here.
Torrance Police Vacation Security Check
The Torrance Police Department offers Vacation Security Checks to all Torrance residents. While
you are away on vacation, officers from the Torrance Police Department will periodically stop by your home to check for open doors, broken windows or any other suspicious circumstances. Click here for more information.
Torrance Alerts Program
Torrance Police sends out free e-mail alerts regarding crime trends, crime prevention information and other Department information. Sign up here.
Neighborhood Watch Program
Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program enlisting the active participation of citizens, in cooperation with law enforcement, to reduce crime in our communities. This program teaches citizens how to work together in creating the strongest crime prevention technique...neighbors looking out for each other. Call (310) 618-6392 to join your Neighborhood Watch or to request additional information on this invaluable program online click here.
Torrance Pet Laws
The City of Torrance has Pet Laws according to the Municipal Code.
- Licensing (TMC 41.3.1)
- Rabies Vaccination (TMC 41.4.1)
- The Leash Law (TMC 41.1.5)
- Barking (TMC 41.1.2)
- Nuisances (TMC 41.1.7)
Hillside Overlay Area
In 1977, a special overlay district was created in the hillside area of the city. The Hillside Overlay was designed to acknowledge the particular development difficulties due to the topography of the area. Development in the hillside is subject to special review criteria based on view, light, air, and privacy concerns. Certain areas of the Seaside neighborhood are in the overlay area. Click here for more information.
ADU Development Standards Overview
The proposed addition of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to a residentially zoned parcel developed with a Single Family Residence must comply with both the R-1 Zone (Single Family Residential District) and ADU Development Standards. The State of California has mandated that such review be Ministerial, as such, no Waiver or Variance from required Development Standards may be considered. Click here for more information.
The award-winning government access cable television channel for the City of Torrance that can be viewed on the web here.
Broken Street Lights
The street lights in the City of Torrance are owned and maintained by Southern California Edison. If the street lights in your neighborhood are not working correctly, call Southern California Edison at 1-800-655-4555
Anyone claiming to be a solicitor or selling items must have a City-issued permit. Soliciting without a permit is a Torrance Municipal Code violation. If someone who claims to be a solicitor cannot display a permit, call the Torrance Police non-emergency number at (310) 328-3456.
Living with Urban Coyotes. Click here for the latest information.
Seaside Neighborhood Association © 2015